About BIJ1

BIJ1 is a party that wants to be part of an active government that strengthens our liberties without abusing the concerns of citizens by using them to spread fear and foster division. A party that is committed to strengthening the cohesion and mutual solidarity of all Dutch people.

“All those who are in the Netherlands are treated equally in equal cases. Discrimination on the grounds of religion, beliefs, political affiliation, race, gender or on any other grounds is not permitted. "  

Article 1, Dutch Constitution

The political mission for equality, on paper, has been guaranteed for centuries by Article 1 of the Dutch constitution.

Nevertheless, we note that these values are increasingly being systematically violated within our daily political, social and economic reality. Open hatred towards Muslims, increasing xenophobia, structural discrimination against people on the basis of gender, sexual preference and/or skin color and growing economic inequality are daily occurrences.

Unfortunately, the current political discourse seems to prefer to fuel this, rather than taking it away. We are increasingly seeing legislative proposals that go against our constitution. And more and more often we hear politicians making statements that describe certain citizens as inferior and undesirable.

Everyone's different, but all equals

Full of pride and gratitude for the confidence, support, expertise and critical feedback of everyone who has contributed to articulating our ideal for a fairer and more equal country, we share our ideas for a society where all who live here are treated equally.

BIJ1 - started in December 2016 as Article 1, is still primarily inspired by Article 1 of the Dutch Constitution. Two pillars form our party program: radical equality and economic justice. This has not changed since our party came to life.


Join BIJ1 and support the movement for radical equality and economic justice!
